
New Year’s Eve, December 31st 2020...What. A. Year. Last night, I tumbled into bed in a wine haze at 9.30pm, after struggling to keep my eyes open during episode 1 of new Netflix drama, Bridgerton. No offense to Bridgerton; I blame the wine! Alcohol has become somewhat of a crutch for me during 2020, and something I’ll be looking to rectify during 2021. Anyway, I digress...so I hit the hay at 9.30pm and passed out asleep within minutes. I awoke with a start at 2am, wide awake of course, which is another unhelpful habit I’ve developed during 2020. But I rather welcome these moonlight hours, when the world is quiet, and I can READ my beloved books for hours, uninterrupted. 2020 has rekindled my love of reading. With nowhere to go during endless lockdowns, and not seeing family or friends since the middle of February — because I can’t bear social-distanced meetings with loved ones; it makes me feel sad and lonely, books have become my new best friends. I especially love my guilt-free, middle of the night reading sessions. There is nowhere else I “should” be or nothing else I “should” be doing. Those glorious hours from 2 to 5am are all deliciously mine for reading. The inspiration to start this blog arrived last night at around 5am, just as I was beginning to nod off, Kindle slipping from my hand. The Christmas tree lights were glowing in the background. The last embers of the fire were flickering in the fireplace. I was wrapped up in blankets on the couch, finishing the absolutely marvellous “Away with the Penguins”, by Hazel Prior. (More on the book later) I felt so peaceful and content as I finished the final few pages, and I started thinking about how books have been my constant companions throughout all the ups and downs of my life. Every year, I read amazing books: books that inspire, enlighten, and befriend me. I want somewhere to keep track of my favourite books, somewhere I can reflect, like a memory book of the books that have meant the most to me, and the books I am yet to read, somewhere I can share with others. I had considered keeping a simple notebook of my thoughts, but as a usually intensely private person, 2020 has taught me the power of connection and sharing, which is what I would like this blog to be. So welcome, won’t you join me? 😊